Stolen from the desk of TrustPigs ;)
Clutter Magazine proudly announces the very first group exhibition in our Beacon, NY location! For this inaugural Designer Toy show outing, we are partnering with Brutherford Industries to curate a show using the "Ice Scream Man" platform with a Día de los Muertos theme.
"Día del Helado Muerto," a custom toy show using Brutherford's Ice Scream Man platform, will have an opening reception on Saturday, November 10th at 6PM until 9PM and be available for viewing through January 5th, 2013 at The Clutter Gallery, 163 Main St., Beacon, NY 12508.
Participating artists include: Brown Magic Paint Co., Brutherford, Carson Catlin, Chauskoskis, David Ayllon,DrilOne, Frank Mysterio, Grimsheep, Honkeylips, J★RYU, JC Rivera, Josh Longo, Julie B. of Pretty in Plastic, Leecifer, Mark Nagata, Motorbot, Nathan Hamill, Plaseebo, Rsin, Scott Wilkowski, Spanky Stokes,Trust Pigs, Voltaire and many more!
To join The Clutter Gallery Preview List, from which you will receive special pre-opening information and the opportunity to buy exhibition pieces prior to the show opening, please click here. Notices will go out early the day of the opening.
Below please find images of the show flyer as well as Mark Nagata of Max Toy Co.'s contribution, "I Scream Kaiju." Nagata's piece stands 15" tall and is made out of the resin base platform with soft sofubi vinyl add-ons, elements made of Apoxie sculpt and finish in Monster Kolor paints. "I Scream Kaiju" will be available for sale during the exhibition for $300.

An AMAZING piece by Mark Nagata....